Our future 

The Baby Hamill Foundation is currently creating programs to provide services beyond referral and counseling.  We are working to be a safety net for families, so they can hit pause on life and safely navigate through their grief.  We will connect families to long term counseling services in the first few days following infant loss. We will make partnerships with therapy agencies to ensure counseling services are accessible to parents and siblings the days following a loss regardless of insurance.  

We will provide scheduling services, transportation, and child care for mental and physical wellness visits. Long term follow up will also be available to reestablish mental health services should they ever be disrupted for any reason.

We will ensure that post natal persons are connected with appropriate post trauma medical treatment. Pregnancy is a major medical event.  The Baby Hamill Foundation acknowledges the toll that grieving takes on the human body. Self care can be challenging post pregnancy in the best of circumstances. We are creating programs to help keep up with basic care tasks for the family.  

Future programs-

Secretarial services

Family counseling coordination, long term mental health follow up call to ensure parents stay connected with providers. 

Dental care and health care for the first year. 

Work with employers to build better work environments for grieving parents. 

Transportation for services for 6 months for the grieving family

Sibling services-

Trauma informed counseling

Summer camp coordination

Crisis counselors 

IEP Advocacy Services

Post-partum care-

Lactation consultation 

Cleaning services

Meal delivery

Parental support-

Child care for parent respite

Funding couples retreats

Financial grants for funeral services

Financial planning

Sibling college funds

Committed to Care Program-

The Committed to Care Program will create a network of therapists nationwide that have committed to accept new patients immediately upon referral from the Baby Hamill Foundation. Grieving families should not be forced to wait in line.

Please contact us for other resources while we grow. 

Please contact us if you have an questions, requests, or feedback 
