The Baby Hamill Foundation

For families grieving the loss of an infant

The Baby Hamill foundation was created to connect parents with grief services and long term support for those who have lost infants. Acute support for severe trauma is critically important for the long term health of the family.  Care tasks for the household still need to be done and surviving siblings can get lost in the shuffle. Families are expected to make choices that can lead to extreme poverty that can last for generations

Finding a support system is overwhelming, our online supports are here to link families to resources as our foundation grows. 

Click here to see our future care goals.

Grief Support Groups 

There is infinite value to a sense of community. Every human being has the right to feel dignity in their grief. Connecting with others is paramount to healing.

Funeral arrangements assistance

Parents who lose a child have often never planned a funeral.

We help families plan services that honor their family's cultural practices.


After a traumatic loss, social programs are often in accessible for families.  Forms are complicated and stressful. We can lighten the mental load the families encounter post loss.

Public Policy 

We believe that grieving families deserve the passage of the Farley-Kluger Act that would expand FMLA benefits to families grieving the death of a child of any age up to 18 years (including stillbirth) 

Please contact us if you have an feedback regarding your ability access resources

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